Assignment Name: Begin



Student Name:_______________________  Class Period:____________________



1.      Copy and paste this page into a e-mail message.

2.      Keyboard the text, making the following changes.

a.       Add the word business before the word document.

b.      Add the words or desirable after the word necessary.

c.       Add another paragraph to the text as follows:  Let the computer software decide where to start a new line.  This feature is called “word wrap.”

3.      Let the computer decide where to start a new line (word wrap).

4.      E-mail the document to me at

5.      Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and typing errors will be counted.

6.      Your name and class period must be entered above.

7.      Subject name of your e-mail must be Begin.







After creating a document, it is important to give the document a name so that it can be identified later.  It is not necessary to use Enter at the end of a line of text.  The words will "wrap" to the next line.  Use Backspace to make an immediate correction.