1. Lowes, Julie Key
  2. Macman, Lewis
  3. Jules, William
  4. Smith, Mary
  5. Yamasakki, Kali
  6. Chen, Susan
  7. Smith, Harry
  8. Durkee, Mike
  9. Mcnamara, Larry
  10. Smith, Betty
  11. Kim, Tara
  12. Ortiz, Luis
  13. Smith, Susan L.


  1. James A. Jones
  2. Alfred Rodriquez
  3. James Jones
  4. Janet MacDaniels
  5. James Rodriques Jones
  6. Kay M. Jones
  7. James David Jones


  1. Copy this document to a Microsoft Word document file.
  2. Save the document as Sort Names 1 and your initials.
  3. Sort the list of numbers in ascending order.
    1. Select the list of numbers at the top of the document.
    2. Open the Table menu and choose Sort. 
    3. Click Options to open the Sort Options dialog box.  In the Separate fields at box, the Tabs options should be selected.  In the Sort options box, Case sensitive should not be checked.  Click OK.
    4. In the Sort Text dialog box, the Sort by entry should be Paragraphs, the Type entry should be Number, and the Ascending option should be chosen.  Click OK to sort the list of numbers.  The list should now be sorted from the lowest to the highest number.


4.      With the list of numbers still selected, open the Table menu and choose Sort again.  Change the sort order to Descending and click OK.  The list is now sorted from the highest to the lowest number.


5.      Sort the first list of names by both last name and first name.  Notice that the last name and first name are separated by commas.


a.       Select the list of name. Do not select the blank paragraph marks above and below the list.

b.      Open the Table menu and choose Sort.

c.       Click Options to open the Sort Options dialog box.  Click the Commas option to tell Word to sort by the first field (the last name) and then by the field following the first comma (the first name).  Click OK. 

d.      In the Sort Text dialog box, the Sort by entry should be Paragraphs. The Type entry should be Text, and the sort order should be Descending.  Click OK.


6.      Sort the list again in ascending order.

7.      Now sort the second list of names.  Notice that these names are not separated by a comma.  In this list the fields are separated by the spaces between the first, middle, and last names.

a.       Select the second set of names.  (Do not include paragraph marks above or below the list.)

b.      Open the Table menu and choose Sort.  Then click Options.

c.       If necessary, turn off Case sensitive, then, if necessary, click Other under Separate fields at.

d.      Click in the text box next to Other, delete the entry in the box (if any) and press the spacebar once (indicating that you want the separator to be a space).

e.       Click OK.

f.        In the Sort Text dialog box, click the down arrow in the Sort by box and click Word 3 (indicating that you want to sort first by the third word in each item).

g.       To sort by additional criteria, open the first Then by list box and click Word 1.  This tells Word to sort by the first name when the last names are the same.  Open the second Then by list box and click Word 2 to indicate that the middle name is to be used when the first and second criteria are the same.  Click OK.


8.      Word sorts the list and automatically renumbers it.  The list is not sorted properly, however, because some items in the list do not have a third word.  You can fix this by inserting extra spaces for items that have only two fields.  Deselect the list.  Then, for Alfred Rodriquez, James Jones, and Janet MacDaniels, add an additional space between the first and last names.  Word will consider the blank spaces a second word when you sort.

9.      Sort the list again using the same settings as before.  The list is now sorted and numbered properly.

10.  Delete the spaces you added.

11.  Save you changes.




awstep11                                                                                 Source: Microsoft Office 2000 Advanced Course