April |
May |
June |
Total |
Mary Jones |
51,342 |
62,005 |
60,915 |
Michelle Henry |
51,225 |
86,584 |
74,279 |
Jeff Greenfield |
98,705 |
86,242 |
93,655 |
Rita Hennings |
62,349 |
65,987 |
70,118 |
William James |
41,072 |
42,331 |
48,007 |
Sandy Pruett |
45,556 |
48,799 |
48,878 |
Bill Mack |
29,871 |
40,565 |
45,242 |
Valerie West |
64,298 |
63,187 |
71,416 |
444,418 |
495,700 |
512,510 |
1,452,628 |
Updating Calculations
After creating a table and calculating totals, you may find that you need to change the amounts. Word does not automatically update calculations as does a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel. Rather than recalculate each individual total in each column and row, Word provides a shortcut that enables you to recalculate an entire table quickly. When you use the Formula command on the Table menu, Word inserts hidden fields for each total. To recalculate you simply select the cells containing those fields and update the fields by pressing Update Field key, F9.
Jones 69,804 James 47,996
Henry 73,168 Pruett 47,767
Hennings 79,007 West 70,305