Instructions:  Read Part I and complete the blanks in Part II. 



Part I—Lesson


Basic Word Processing


Learning Objectives

•         Defining word processing

•         Identifying uses of word processing

•         Entering text

•         Editing text, deleting or replacing

•         Moving and copying text


Word Processing

•         Word processing is using computer software to help you create a document. A document is a letter, report, spreadsheet or presentation.

•         To edit is to change the document.

•         The cursor is a blinking vertical line that shows the place where text is being entered.



•         The indent is the extra space at the start of a paragraph.


•         Word Wrap is the automatic movement of text to the next line without hitting the enter key. To delete text is to remove text from the document.


•         To delete is to remove something from a document, such as removing text.


•         Text are the words, numbers and symbols used to convey meaning to the reader.


Uses of Word Processing

•         Type letters and memorandum

•         Spreadsheets and Databases

•         Desktop Publishing

•         Electronic Mail (e-mail)




Adding Text

•         Point and click the mouse to move the cursor to where you want the new characters to appear.


•         Use the arrow keys to where you want the new characters to appear. Click the Insert key on the keyboard to insert or overwrite text.


Deleting Text


•         To remove text to the right of the cursor, depress the Delete key. To remove text to the left of the cursor, depress the Backspace key.


Selecting Text


•         Selected text appears highlighted on your monitor. Generally, one way to select text is to point, click and drag. Point with your mouse, hold the left mouse button and drag through the text you want to select.


•         To select a word, double click over the word. To deselect text, click anywhere outside the selected area.


Selecting a Paragraph


•         To select a paragraph, position the mouse anywhere over the paragraph and quickly click the mouse three times.

•          To select a large amount of text, position the mouse over the first word and drag the mouse downward. To select the entire document, click Select All from the Edit Menu.


Moving text


•         Cut and Paste—To cut and paste, select the text, choose Cut from the Edit Menu.  Then select where you want to paste the text and choose Paste from the Edit Menu.


•          Copy and Paste—To copy and paste, select the text, choose Copy from the Edit Menu.  Then select where you want to paste the text and choose Paste from the Edit Menu.




•         Scroll up by clicking the up arrow in the Scroll Bar.


•         Scroll down by clicking the down arrow in the Scroll Bar. To quickly scroll through a document, drag the Scroll Box up or down the Scroll Bar.



Part II—Worksheet


Answer the following questions based on the lesson above.


  1. Word Processing is _________________________________________________________________________.


  1. A document is _____________________________________________________________________________.


  1. To change text already entered and enter new text is to ________________________.


  1. A blinking vertical line that shows where text is being entered on the screen is called the ______________________.


  1. The indent is ______________________________________________________________________________.


  1. Word Wrap is ____________________________________________________________________________.


  1. To delete text to the right of the cursor, use the ____________________________________________________.


  1. To delete text to the left of the cursor, use the _____________________________________________________.


  1. In keyboarding a document, how many spaces are entered after a period at the end of a sentence? _____________.


  1. In keyboarding a document, how many spaces are entered after a comma? ___________________.


  1. To add new text to an existing document_________________________________________________________.


  1. Point, click and drag to______________________________________________________________________.


  1. When moving text, the original text will not remain when you select ______________________________________.


  1. When moving text, the original text will remain when you select ________________________________________.


  1. Copy and paste is found under the ___________ Menu.