Economic Systems Project
Phase II: Spreadsheets
Spreadsheets to be created:
Directions: Create the following spreadsheets and corresponding charts for numbers 1 thru 10. For example, under #1, People, you have to create 4 different spreadsheets and charts: one for Median Age, one for Life Expectancy, one for Infant Mortality, and one for Literacy. Put each spreadsheet and embedded chart on a separate page, for a total of 4 spreadsheets and 4 charts. Do the same thing for numbers 2 thru 10.
Be sure to include Chart Title, X axis labels, Y axis titles, and Legends as appropriate. Refer to the Office 2003 textbook, pages 155-174, Lesson 8, Worksheet Charts, to help you with the charts. I recommend column charts, but you can choose pie charts if you like.
1) People:
a) Median Age
i) Males
ii) Females
b) Life Expectancy
i) Males
ii) Females
c) Infant Mortality
d) Literacy
i) Males
ii) Females
2) Economy
a) GDP-Per Capita
b) Unemployment Rate
c) Population Below Poverty Line
d) Inflation Rate
3) Energy Profile
a) Oil Production & Consumption
i) Production
ii) Consumption
4) Communications
a) Land Lines
b) Cell phones
5) Communications
a) Internet Users
6) Communications
a) Radio Stations
i) AM
ii) FM
7) Transportation
a) Airports
8) Transportation
a) Railways
9) Transportation
a) Roadways
i) Paved
ii) Unpaved
10) Transportation
a) Waterways