Part I-  Lesson


Excel Spreadsheets Worksheet


  • Labels consist of any information that is not a date, does not consist exclusively of numeric values or does not get calculated.
  • Nearly all you type that includes an alphabetic character is text.
  • Text and labels are the same thing.
  • Values are entries that contain numerals and other numeric symbols like: #,$,%,+, and -.
  • Text and Values are not the same thing.
  • Examples of text and labels are: First Union Bank, 1st Trust Corporation, & 5678 W. Montgomery Avenue.
  • Examples of values or numbers are $50,000, $25,000, and -30.
  • Dates are numeric entries that allow you to make date calculations.
  • Examples or dates are 11/26/06, & November 26, 2006.
  • Formulas allow you to perform calculations on data quickly and easily.
  • Formulas always begin with an equal sign (=).
  • Functions are onboard formulas that make data calculations easier.  They begin with an equal sign (=), then include the name of the function followed by the range of cells to be calculated.  Example: =Sum(A1:A25).
  • To add the sum of values in cells A1 and A2, you would enter: =A1+A2.
  • A range is a defined area of a worksheet.  For example, selecting the cells F4, F5, and F6 can be indicated as F4:F6.
  • Cell contents may be formatted or aligned before or after data is entered.
  • The active cell is the cell that is ready to receive data or a command.
  • You can change the active cell in a worksheet by selecting the GO TO  command on the Edit menu or by pressing F5.
  • Excel can be started by either clicking START on the desktop and going to PROGRAMS, or by selecting NEW OFFICE DOCUMENT and selecting BLANK WORKBOOK.


Part II- Worksheet


  1. Labels consist of any information that is not a __________, does not consist exclusively of ______________________, or does not get __________________.


  1.  Nearly all you type that includes an alphabetic character is ________________.


  1. Text and _______________ are the same thing.


  1. _____________________ are entries that contain numerals and other numeric symbols like: #,$,%,+, and -.


  1. Examples of ______________________________ are: First Union Bank, 1st Trust Corporation, & 5678 W. Montgomery Avenue.
  2. Examples of ____________________________________ are $50,000, $25,000, and -30.
  3. Examples of ______________________________ are 11/26/06, & November 26, 2006.
  4. _________________________ allow you to perform calculations on data quickly and easily.
  5. Formulas always begin with an ____________________________.
  6. _________________________ are onboard formulas that make data calculations easier.  They begin with an equal sign (=), then include the name of the function followed by the range of cells to be calculated.  Example: =Sum(A1:A25).
  7. =Sum(A1:A25) is an example of a ____________________________.
  8. Text and Values are ______________ the same thing.
  9. To add the sum of values in cells A1 and A2, you would enter: ________________________.
  10. A range is a defined ___________________ of a worksheet.  For example, selecting the cells F4, F5, and F6 can be indicated as F4:F6.
  11. The range of cells F4, F5, and F6 can be indicated as ______________________________..
  12. Cell contents may be formatted or aligned before or _______________________ data is entered.
  13. The ________________________________ is the cell that is ready to receive data or a command.
  14. You can change the active cell in a worksheet by selecting the ______________ command on the Edit menu or by pressing F5.
  15. Excel can be started by either clicking START on the desktop and going to PROGRAMS, or by selecting NEW OFFICE DOCUMENT and selecting _____________________________.








Excel 1-1