Excel Spreadsheet Basics


Part I




Ø      Active cell:  The active cell is the cell currently selected.

Ø      Backspace key:  The backspace key is used to delete data to the left of the cursor.

Ø      Cell:  A cell is one location on the spreadsheet.

Ø      Cell address:  the cell address is the coordinate of the column letter and row number.

Ø      Cell cursor:  The cell cursor is the highlighted location of a spreadsheet.

Ø      Column:  A column runs along the vertical axis.

Ø      Delete key:  The delete key is used to delete data to the right of the cursor.

Ø      File:  A file is a saved spreadsheet.

Ø      Home position:  The home position is the beginning of the spreadsheet (A1).

Ø      Label:   A label is an alphabetical character (text) or symbol not considered a value.

Ø      Label prefix:  A label prefix is an apostrophe (‘).

Ø      Numeric label:  A numeric label is a number that will not be calculated, e.g., social security number, and requires a label prefix.

Ø      Row:  A row runs along the horizontal axis.

Ø      Scrolling:  Scrolling is the movement of the cell cursor.

Ø      Value:  A value is a number.


Critical steps in creating a worksheet

Ø      Text or labels:  Labels consist of any information that is not a date, does not consist exclusively of numeric values (numbers) or does not get calculated.

Ø      Values or numbers:  When a number or symbol (+ . = $) is the first character entered in a cell, the cell contains a value.

Ø      Column width:  If a value is longer than the width of the cell, ###### appears in the cell, indicating that the column needs to be widened. 

Ø      Formulas or functions:  Formulas allow you to perform calculations on data quickly and easily.  Formulas always begin with an equal sign (=). 

Ø      Operands:  Operands are the symbols used to tell the computer what kind of arithmetic operation you want to perform.

Ø      Common operands are:

o       Add +

o       Subtract –

o       Multiply *

o       Divide /

Ø      Dates:  Dates can be entered as label data (with a label prefix) but can also be entered as numerical data (without a label prefix) and can be calculated as a serial value.  The serial value is the number of days the date represents starting to count from January 1, 1900.

Ø      Range of cells:  A range is a defined area of a worksheet.  Selecting the cells A1, A2, and A3 can be indicated as a range of A1:A3.  Note that the cell addresses are joined by a colon (:).

Ø      Alignment:  A value automatically aligns to the right of the cell, making values right-justified entries.   Labels automatically align to the left of the cell, making them left-justified entries.  Consequently, column titles will not appear centered over values (numeric data). Cell contents may be formatted or aligned before or after data is entered by using the formatting toolbar.

Ø      Active cell:  The active cell in a worksheet can be changed using the mouse or the arrows on the keyboard.  The active cell can also be changed by selecting the GO TO command on the worksheet or by pressing F5 on the keyboard.



Part II


Excel Study Sheets


1)      You can enter______into  a spreadsheet cell.

i)        Numbers

ii)       Text

iii)     Numbers and text

iv)     None of the above


2)      Use tab or right arrow to:

i)        Move up and down

ii)       Move to the end of the page

iii)     Move right one cell

iv)     Move to the home position


3)      The active cell is:

i)        The cell ready for data to be entered

ii)       The default cell

iii)     Moving

iv)     Unavailable after data is entered


4)      The point where a row and column meet is called the:

i)        Cell

ii)       Intersection

iii)     Cross section

iv)     Active cell


5)      Text entries too long to fit into a cell:

i)        Appear as a series of X

ii)       Flow over into the next cell only if it is blank

iii)     Flow over into the next cell even if it is not blank

iv)     Appear as a series of #


6)      Choosing clear has the effect of:

i)        Erases all entries in a worksheet

ii)       Prints the entries clearly

iii)     Has no effect on a current entry

iv)     Deletes information from the active cell


7)      You enter data into a cell by:

i)        Selecting it

ii)       Selecting it and keying data

iii)     Keying data

iv)     Selecting it, keying data, and confirming the entry


8)      A series of # in a cell indicates:

i)        Number entry is too long to fit into the cell

ii)       Text entry is too long to fit into the cell

iii)     Cell has not been formatted

iv)     Cell has been formatted but not saved


9)      Press return, tab or click OK to:

i)        Cancel an entry

ii)       Return to home position

iii)     Confirm an entry

iv)     Backspace


10)  The double-headed arrow allows you to:

i)        Make multiple entries

ii)       Use the pointer as a pointing device

iii)     Change from page view to document view

iv)     Change the column width


11)  A row can be described as:

(1)   Horizontal line of boxes

(2)   Vertical line of boxes

(3)   Grouping of cells

(4)   Custer of active boxes


12)  A column can be described as a:

i)        Horizontal line of boxes

ii)       Vertical line of boxes

iii)     Grouping of cells

iv)     Custer of active boxes


13)  A cell can be defined as:

i)        One point

ii)       One box in a worksheet

iii)     An index

iv)     A matrix


14)  The cell displaying the thick border where information will next be entered is called the

i)        Routine cell

ii)       Active cell

iii)     Hot cell

iv)     Basic cell


15)  The location of each cell is referred to as:

i)        Cell reference

ii)       Upper limit

iii)     Lower limit

iv)     Cost value


16)  The status bar is the feature that:

i)        Contains commands that let you perform tasks

ii)       Contains buttons to select common commands

iii)     Displays the cell reference and contents of the active cell

iv)     Displays information about the task you are performing


17)  The toolbar is the feature that:

i)        Contains commands that let you perform tasks

ii)       Contains buttons to select common commands

iii)     Displays the cell reference and contents of the active cell

iv)     Displays information about the task you are performing


18)  The formula bar is the feature that:

i)        Contains commands that let you perform tasks

ii)       Contains buttons to select common commands

iii)     Displays the cell reference and contents of the active cell

iv)     Displays information about the task you are performing


19)  The menu bar is the feature that:

i)        Contains commands that let you perform tasks

ii)       Contains buttons to select common commands

iii)     Displays the cell reference and contents of the active cell

iv)     Displays information about the task you are performing


20)  A blank sheet where you enter data in the Excel program is called a:

i)        Sheet

ii)       Grid

iii)     Chart

iv)     worksheet