______________________________ Class:
________________ Date: __________ ID:A
Excel Lesson 1
Indicate whether the
sentence or statement is true or false.
1. The primary purpose of a spreadsheet program like Excel is to solve problems that involve numbers.
T ______ F ______
2. The formula bar appears directly above the toolbar in the worksheet. T ______ F ______
3. If you want to move the cursor to cell A1, you should press Ctrl + Home on your keyboard.
T ______ F ______
4. Worksheet cells only contain text. T ______ F ______
5. In order to replace the contents of a cell, you must first select the cell and then key in the new data.
T ______ F ______
6. The Save command will update the latest version of your open file. T ______ F ______
7. You cannot change the default settings for printing a worksheet. T ______ F ______
8. You can choose to print all or part of a worksheet. T ______ F ______
9. Excel provides several template files that can be used to build commonly used spreadsheets.
T ______ F ______
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of
the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 10. In Excel, a collection of worksheets is referred to as a __________.
a. spreadsheet c. notebook
b. work area d. workbook
____ 11. The intersection of a worksheet column and row is a ________.
a. cell c. highlight
b. range d. name box
____ 12. A group of cells that touch each other and form a rectangle is a _____________.
a. cell c. highlight
b. range d. name box
____ 13. Which of the following will clear data from a highlighted cell?
a. pressing the Delete key c. choosing Clear from the Edit menu
b. pressing the back space key d. all of the above
____ 14. A(n) is a cell that is ready for data entry.
a. active cell c. name box
b. cell reference d. bordered cell
____ 15. The ______ menu contains the Save As command.
a. File c. View
b. Edit d. Window
____ 16. When Excel starts, a blank worksheet titled _________ appears on the screen.
a. Excel 1 c. Book 1
b. Worksheet 1 d. Spreadsheet 1
____ 17. To move to the last cell containing data, you should press _______.
a. Ctrl + Home c. Ctrl + Page Up
b. Ctrl + End d. Ctrl + Down Arrow
____________________________ ID:
____ 18. Press the ______ key to remove data from the selected cell.
a. Ctrl c. Alt
b. Shift + End d. Delete
____ 19. To edit data in a cell, select the cell and press the _____ key, referred to as the Edit key.
a. F1 c. F3
b. F2 d. F4
____ 20. The name box is located on the left side of the _______.
a. formula bar c. Standard toolbar
b. Formatting toolbar d. title bar
Complete each sentence
or statement.
21. A collection of related worksheets is referred to as a(n) _____________________.
a. c.
b. d.
22. A cell is identified by the column letter and row number, also known as the _______________________.
a. c.
b. d.
23. The fastest way to move the highlight to a cell that does not appear on the screen is by choosing
_____________________ on the Edit menu.
a. c.
b. d.
24. A(n) ___________________ is a selected group of cells.
a. c.
b. d.
25. You can use the Delete key, the ____________ key, or choose Clear on the Edit menu to empty a
selected cell.
a. c.
b. d.
26. The first time you save a worksheet, you will use the _______________ dialog box.
a. c.
b. d.
27. You can print a file by choosing Print on the _____________ menu.
a. c.
b. d.
28. You can magnify or reduce the view of your worksheet by using the _______________ button on the
Standard toolbar.
a. c.
b. d.
29. The ___________________ command is used to locate data in a worksheet.
a. c.
b. d.
30. The ___________________ command is an extension of the Find command that substitutes new data for
data found.
a. c.
b. d.