Name: _____________________________  Class: _______________ Date: ___________                     ID: A


Excel Lesson 3



Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


1.         Data that is copied is stored on the Clipboard until it is pasted or until you copy something else.

                                                                                                                                    T ______         F ______


2.         Moving data on a worksheet does not remove the data from its original location.

                                                                                                                                    T ______         F ______


3.         When inserting a row into a worksheet, the inserted row appears below the highlight.

                                                                                                                                    T ______         F ______


4.         In order to freeze a title row, place the highlight above the row you want to freeze.

                                                                                                                                    T ______         F ______


5.         The Sheet tab in the Page Setup dialog box contains options for setting the print area plus printing gridlines, row headings, and column headings.                                     T ______         F _______


6.         Excel contains a spell-checking tool.                                                                  T ______         F _______


Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


7.   The ____ tab in the Page Setup dialog box designates whether the page will be printed in portrait or   landscape orientation.      

                        a.   Page                                                           c.   Header/Footer

                        b.   Margins                                                      d.   Sheet

8.   The ____ tab in the Page Setup dialog box designates the title of the worksheet.

                        a.   Page                                                           c.   Header/Footer

                        b.   Margins                                                      d.   Sheet

9.   What happens if data is copied in cells that have existing data?

a.       An error message will appear.

b.      The old data will be placed on the Clipboard.

c.       The new data will not be copied.

d.      The old data will be replaced by the new data.

 10.   ______ is not a method for copying data to another part of the worksheet.

                        a.   Drag-and-Drop                                          c.   Inserting

                        b.   Fill Down                                                   d.   Copy and Paste

 11.   ______ keeps a portion of the spreadsheet on screen no mater where you scroll.

                        a.   Freezing                                                      c.   Landscaping

                        b.   Protecting                                                   d.   Cutting

 12.   Data stored on the ______ will remain until it is replaced with new data.

                        a.   worksheet                                                   c.   Clipboard

                        b.   toolbar                                                       d.   border

 13.   The drag-and-drop method is the same for moving data as it is for copying data except that you do not hold down the ______ key.

                        a.   Shift                                                            c.   Alt

                        b.   Ctrl                                                            d.   Insert




14.   To add a cell, row, or column to a worksheet, you should use commands on the ____ menu.

                        a.   Edit                                                            c.   File

                        b.   View                                                          d.   Insert

15.   Frozen rows are indicated by a darkened ______ that separates the frozen and unfrozen areas.

                        a.   column                                                        c.   row

                        b.   gridline                                                       d.   title bar

16.   The _____ tab in the Page Setup dialog box allows you to add or remove gridlines from your

                  printed worksheet.

                        a.   Sheet                                                          c.   Header/Footer

                        b.   Margins                                                      d.   Page



Complete each sentence or statement.

17.       A(n) _______________________ appears around the selection when you copy it.

                        a.                                                                     c.

                        b.                                                                     d.

18.       The _______________________ command removes data from its original place on the worksheet and place it on the Clipboard.

                        a.                                                                     c.

                        b.                                                                     d.

19.      The Delete command can be found on the _____________________ menu.

                        a.                                                                     c.

                        b.                                                                     d.

20.       To unfreeze a row or column title, choose the Unfreeze Panes command on the __________ menu.

                        a.                                                                     c.

                        b.                                                                     d.

21.       The _______________ tab in the Page Setup dialog box contains the page orientation options.

                        a.                                                                     c.

                        b.                                                                     d.

22.       __________________ divides the screen into two or four parts.

                        a.                                                                     c.

                        b.                                                                     d.


            Match the following worksheet problems to be solved with the operation below.

a.       You need to copy data from one cell to several other cells.

b.      You would like to view the top row on the worksheet even when scrolling down several


c.       You want to prevent others from entering data in the worksheet.

d.      You would like to add a blank column between two columns that already contain data.

 23.   Fill

 24.   Insert

 25.   Freeze Panes


            Match the following tab in the Page Setup dialog box with the print option to be performed.

                        a.   Page                                                           c.   Header/Footer

                        b.   Margins                                                      d.   Sheet

26.   Choose whether gridlines, row headings, and column headings are printed

27.   Specify text to be printed at the top of each page

28.   Specify the paper size of the printed page

29.   Specify the amount of space on the edges of the page