Part I---Lesson


Giving Orders to the Computer


Learning Objectives

•         Explain commands, menus, and toolbars.

•         Use dialog boxes and scroll bars.

•         Use Open, Close, Save, and Save As commands.



Words to Know

•         Icon – a picture representing something else.

•         Command – an order to a computer to do a job.

•         Menu – a list of commands for doing different jobs on the computer.

•         File – a set of information or instructions that is named.

•         Dialog box – a window that asks for more information, then finishes the command.

•         Folder – a place where you can save and organize files.

•         Scroll bar – a bar along the edge of a window that moves what is in the window up and down, left and right.

•         Title bar – a bar across the top of a window that shows the file’s name.

•         Toolbar – a row of buttons you click to give commands to a computer.


Open a Menu

•         Click with the mouse

•          Alt key


Save As

•         Select File from Menu

•         Select Save As

•         Give file a name

•         Select drive

•         Select OK



•         File

•         Edit

•         View

•         Insert

•         Format


Icons for Toolbars

•         Sheet of paper

•         Folder

•         Floppy disk

•         ABC (spell check)

•          B (Bold), I (Italics), and U (Underline)


Part II---Worksheet




Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the correct term from the choices listed below.


  1. Use the Save ____________________ in the File menu to save a new file or changes to a file.


  1. To avoid _____________________ changes to your file, save your file.


  1. The Save _________________ ______________ appears once you select the Save command.


  1. The dialog box has a place for you to enter the file’s ________________.


  1. The computer creates a ________________  name if you do not give the file a name.


  1. The _____________ ______________ shows the file name at the top of the computer screen.


  1. You can use the menu, keyboard, or ___________________ to give command to a computer.


  1. A toolbar is a row of ____________________.


  1. Move the mouse pointer over the icon to find out what it stands for, but do not _________________.


  1. Most buttons on a toolbar have an _______________.


Word Choices:

dialog box




title bar




