Matching Yourself with the World of Work



This assignment requires you to read the article on Matching Yourself with the World of Work. The article Matching Yourself with the World of Work is about choosing a career and the specific occupational requirements associated with a particular job.  This exercise is intended to identify personal interests, skills, talents and abilities that might be considered in making career choices.


Your assignment is to identify two (2) jobs in which you may be interested, given the choices in the article.


List the Personal Skills, Work Characteristics, and Occupational Characteristics of those two jobs.  Indicate the Level of the skill, ability or characteristic of those jobs with the appropriate symbol (see the definitions on page 8 of the article).


Go to the Occupational Outlook Handbook at and research one of the jobs you identified. The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a US Department of Labor Web site that gives you a lot of information about jobs.  Use the alphabetical search index (A-Z Index) to find information about the job your chose (choose a job where information is available).  Prepare statements on the job you chose including:

The Nature of the Work

Working Conditions



Job Outlook

Other Qualifications


Job Outlook



Go to and prepare either a chronological or functional resume.  See the resume samples at this site.  Use the information you learned from the Matching Yourself with the World of Work and the Occupational Outlook Handbook to provide the resume information.  Assume that you have the work experience, education and training for the job for which you are applying.  Make up the dates and any other information required in the resume. 


Assignment requirements:

All statements and the resume must be typed and error free.

Observe standard grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization usage.

Submitted work must be of acceptable quality and quantity.

Passing grades will be determined by how well the above criteria and all elements of the assignment have been met.