Part I---Lesson


Managing Files


Learning Objectives

•         Organizing your computer files

•         Viewing and renaming files and folders

•         Making new folders

•         Finding files and folders

•         Deleting files and folders


Save a New File

•         To save a file for the first time, choose “Save As” from the Menu Bar.

•         Click the down arrow in the “Save in” dialog box. Click the drive where you want to save your file (“A”, “C”, Desktop, etc.).

•         “A” is Floppy Disk & “C” is hard drive.



Give your file a name

•         Select the contents of the “File Name Box” and type in a name you want to give the file.

•         Click Save.

•         Your file name should be short and reflect the contents of the file.

•         No spaces or special characters allowed.


Save Changes

•         To save changes to your file, choose save from the File Menu or click the Save icon on the Toolbar.

•         You do not need to choose Save As again after the first time. Remember, any further changes to your file must be saved again.



Create a New Folder

•         To create a new folder, select the New Folder button in the Save As dialog box.

•         Give your new folder a name.

•         Click OK.

•         You can now click and drag files into your folder.  You can also select the folder from the Save As dialog box.



Deleting Files

•To delete a file or folder, right click your mouse over the file and select delete. To rename a file or folder, right click the file and select rename.



Viewing your Files and Folders

•         List view:

–        this is a way to view your files and folders by name in alphabetical order.

•         Icon view:

–        This is a way to view files and folders as icons with their names underneath.  You can arrange the icons as you please.



Finding Files Using the Find Command

•         Click the Start Button on the desktop.

•         Click the Find command.

•         Click Files or Folders.

•         Enter a File or Folder name.

•         Select the drive to look in.

•         Click the Find Now button.


Part II---Worksheet


Instructions:  Use Screen 1 and Screen 2 to answer questions 1 & 2.  Assume the screens are My Documents.


Screen 1


Reports folder

(File)  Book report

(File)  Children of the World report

(File)  Civil War Report

(File)  Sports Accident Report

(File)  Aids in Africa Report



Screen 2


Reports folder

(Folder)  Biology

(Folder)  American History

(Folder)  Math

(Folder)  English

(Folder)   Health


  1. The Civil War report is inside the American History folder.  The American History folder is inside the Reports folder.  Which screen shows this information?  ___________________________________________________________.


  1. Which screen do you think has the most organized files?  Explain your answer.______________________________________________________________________________.



A computer finds files by following a path, which is the address that tells you where a file is on a computer drive.  A drive is a part of the hardware that stores data and instructions.  The path shows the drive name and folder name in a file’s address.


Look at the path C:\American History\Civil War diagramed below.

Fill in the blanks with the correct term from the choices listed below.


C:\ ______________________  American History\ _______________________ Civil War____________________.



  1. File name
  2. Drive
  3. Folder


Connie has 6 files she wants to save in a folder called Homework.  Three files are History homework, two of the files are English homework, and one of the files is Math homework.  What is the most practical way for Connie to organize these files inside the Homework folder?


  1. __________________________
  2. __________________________
  3. __________________________


Two ways to view your files are:


  1. ________________________________
  2. ________________________________



  1. To help find a file, you can use the _______________________________________.
  2. The Find dialog box has a place for you to type the file’s ____________________________________.
  3. You have to tell the computer where to search by entering the file name and the __________________________.


  1. Paul has 10 book reports with various titles and subjects that he wants to organize into files on his computer.  His teacher suggested that he use only three folders.  Paul should organized his files into three folders by titles or alphabetically? _____________________________.
  2. Mike has three folders on his desktop for Baseball, Basketball, and Football, respectively.  Mike wants to further organize his folders.  How should Mike organize these folders? ___________________________________________________________.