Following are the objectives you are expected to work on:
Week of September 11, 2006
- Go to and read information under Syllabus
- Go to and sign in to your e-mail account provided by teacher
- Go to and log in using information provided by teacher
- Go to and log in using information provided by teacher
- Take Computer Class Pretest
Week of September 18, 2006
- Keyboarding
This week you will establish a baseline keyboarding skill and begin to improve your keyboarding speed and accuracy. Keyboarding skill can not be learned all at once; this assignment will continue over time and will overlap other assignments. Proper keyboarding involves "touch typing," or typing that does not involve looking at the keyboard.
- Home Row keys
- Top Row and Shift
- Pinkie Practice
- Index Finger Reach
- Left Bottom Row
- Right Bottom Row
- Last of the Letters
- Number Practice
Goal: Your keyboarding goals are 40 words per minute (wpm) with 98% accuracy.
Assessment: You will be required to take a timed typing test. You will have multiple opportunities to pass the typing test.
Week of September 25, 2006
- This week we will begin using the textbook Microsoft Office 2003. We will begin with the Word processing program.
Your assignment is to go the Assignments Directory of my Web page and click on the assignment named Word Lesson 1.
There are thirty (30) questions you need to answer. Write the questions in your notebook and find the answers to the questions in the Microsoft Office 2003 textbook. Immediately after each question I have indicated the approximate page in the book where you should be able to find the answer. I will also cover this material in class. To make sure you are getting and understanding this information, you will be required to take quizzes on as your Do Now assignments. At the end of the week when I have covered all the material, there will be a test on quizlab covering all 30 questions.
You will also continue with the keyboarding to reach a keyboarding goal of 40 words per minute (wpm) with 98% accuracy.
Week of October 2, 2006
- This week we will continue using the textbook Microsoft Office 2003.
Your assignment is to go the Assignments Directory of my Web page and click on the assignment named Word Lesson 2.
There are thirty (30) questions you need to answer. Write the questions in your notebook and find the answers to the questions in the Microsoft Office 2003 textbook. Immediately after each question I have indicated the approximate page in the book where you should be able to find the answer. I will also cover this material in class. To make sure you are getting and understanding this information, you will be required to take quizzes on as your Do Now assignments. At the end of the week when I have covered all the material, there will be a test on quizlab covering all 30 questions.
You will also continue with the keyboarding to reach a keyboarding goal of 40 words per minute (wpm) with 98% accuracy.
Week of October 9, 2006
- This week we will continue using the textbook Microsoft Office 2003 and keyboarding exercises.
Go to the Directory of Assignments and answer the questions under Word Lesson 2. Your homework will be organizing your notebooks in preparation for the next day quiz on Be sure to check
There are thirty (30) questions you need to answer. Write the questions in your notebook and find the answers to the questions in the Microsoft Office 2003 textbook. Immediately after each question I have indicated the approximate page in the book where you should be able to find the answer. I will also cover this material in class. To make sure you are getting and understanding this information, you will be required to take quizzes on as your Do Now assignments.
You will also continue with the keyboarding to reach a keyboarding goal of 40 words per minute (wpm) with 98% accuracy.
Week of October 16, 2006
- This week we will continue using the textbook Microsoft Office 2003 and keyboarding exercises.
Go to the Directory of Assignments and answer the questions under Word Lesson 3. Your homework will be organizing your notebooks in preparation for the next day quiz on Be sure to check
There are thirty (30) questions you need to answer. Write the questions in your notebook and find the answers to the questions in the Microsoft Office 2003 textbook. Immediately after each question I have indicated the approximate page in the book where you should be able to find the answer. I will also cover this material in class. To make sure you are getting and understanding this information, you will be required to take quizzes on as your Do Now assignments.
You will also continue with the keyboarding to reach a keyboarding goal of 40 words per minute (wpm) with 98% accuracy.
Week of October 23, 2006
- This will be a make-up week. You can make-up any quiz you previously failed. If you received a score of 64% or lower you can re-take the quiz.
- This week I will also grade your Jaguar assignment. That is the assignment I put on where you had to read the article and answer four questions, then email your answers to me at Remember, no attachments allowed. Just type the questions and the answers into an email document. You must use the email address I established for you at I will not accept any other email. Also remember to save a copy of your document in your sent mail folder. When using, there is a box at the bottom of the message you need to check to save.
Grading Rubric for Jaguar assignment
- There is a Writing Rubric on my Website that you need to see. The rubric will tell you how I will grade your Jauguar assignment in terms of thoroughness.
- You will also continue with the keyboarding to reach a keyboarding goal of 40 words per minute (wpm) with 98% accuracy. We need to re-focus on keyboarding.
Week of October 30, 2006
- This week we will work on the Jaguar article, Word Lesson 4, and making sure is correct in terms of your grades.
- Hopefuly everyone has completed the Jaguar assignment. That is the assignment I put on where you had to read the article and answer four questions, then email your answers to me at Remember, no attachments are not allowed. Just type the questions and the answers into an email document. You must use the email address I established for you at I will not accept any other email. Also remember to save a copy of your document in your sent mail folder. When using, there is a box at the bottom of the message you need to check to save.
Go to the Directory of Assignments page on my Web site and look for Word Lesson 4. There you will find the questions and the page numbers in the textbook you are expected to find answers. You are expected to take the quiz the next day on the Homework assignment. You will take the quiz on six questions at a time for homework.
Week of November 6, 2006
- This week we will expand our efforts to include keyboardng exercises putting into practice the theory you've learned in the Homework Lessons 1 to 4 submitted for homework.
You will need to continue with the Homework assignments as Do Now. The Do Now assignments should only take so much time. Additionally, you will need to keyboard the assignments in PDF files (similar to the Jaguar assignment).
Be sure to monitor to make sure you are aware of what keyboarding assignment is due on which day.
Week of November 14, 2006
Objectves: This week we want to finish the quizzes Word Lessson 4, 19-30 and the keyboarding (typing) assignments on the pdf files DDC Lesson 1, 1-16 found on your Mackintosh HD. We will also start DDC Lesson1, 7-13.
- Word Lesson 4, 19-24
- Word Lesson 4, 25-30
- DDC Lesson 1, 5 and 6
- DDC Lesson 1, 7-13
Important Information:
On your computer Desktop, click on the HD (hard drive). You will see the "Teacher" folder. Click on the Teacher folder. You should then be able to find the pdf files.
The answers to the Word Lesson 4, 1-30 questions are at the end of the document file. Transer the questions and answers to your notebooks, then take the quizzes. Please note that quizzes Word Lesson 4, 19-30 will only be available 11/14/06 and 11/15/06, so you need to be on task.
Keyboarding (typing) assignments for the week are to complete DDC Lesson 1-6, and to start DDC Lesson 1, 7-13. You need to review these assignment on your computer to make sure you understand the assignments and can read the instructions. However, you should not need to print the assignments as I have already printed out the assignments and placed them in the file box on my computer table.
Be sure to check to see which assignment your are to complete on a given day. Be aware that the keyboarding assignments require you to make changes to an assignment you have already keyboarded (typed). This means that the second keyboarded document will be saved with the same name, with the addition of a number after the name, e.g. Begin2.
Week of November 20, 2006
Office Chapter 1, Topic 1
Objectives: This week we will read the pdf file Office Chapter 1, Topic 1. You will find the file on you Micintosh HD. Click on the Teacher folder to access the file.
- Read the chapter and answer the ten (10) review questions on page 15 of 16.
- Write the questions and answers.
- This is a hand written exercise. Do not keyboard the exercise.
- Make sure your writing is legible. If I can't read your paper, you will not receive a favorable grade.
- Make sure your name, date, class period and the name of the assignment is at the top of the page.
- Turn in your paper to me.
Week of November 27, 2006
Keyboard DDC exercises 1-6 and read the pdf file Office, Chapter 1, Topic 1. Answer the 10 Review questions at the end of the chapter and turn in to me.
Week of December 4, 2006
Keyboard DDC exercises 7-13 and read the pdf file Office, Chapter 1, Topic 2. Answer the 10 Review questions at the end of the chapter and turn in to me.
Week of December 11, 2006
Recently we have been working on keyboarding the DDC keyboarding exercises 1-13. This week we will self assess. I have stamped all exercises turned in. I will give them back to you for you to grade, following the examples I will show you using the computer and projector.
The criteria for grading is that there should be no more than a 3% error rate.
If the document contains 100 words, then there should be no more than three (3) keyboarding errors.
A paper not meeting the 97% proficiency rate can not receive a grade higher that a "B".
A paper of 95% proficiency can not receive a grade higher that a "C".
A paper less than 95% proficiency will receive a grade of "D", or less.