Microsoft Word

Lesson 1



  1. Start word by clicking the Start button and choosing Microsoft Office from the All Programs menu and Microsoft Office Word from the submenu. (Word Page 4)


T_____              F_____


  1. The Formatting toolbar contains buttons that you can use to perform common tasks, such as opening and printing documents. (Word Page 5)


T_____              F_____


  1. When working with a long document, it is faster to use the keyboard to move the insertion point. (Word Page 7)


T_____              F_____


  1. If the text you are keying extends beyond the right margin, it automatically moves to the next line. (Word Page 6)


T_____              F_____


  1. The Save As dialog box appears every time you save a file. (Word Page 8)


T_____              F_____


  1. To relocate the insertion point, place the I-beam where you want the insertion point and then click the left mouse button. (Word Page 7)


T_____              F_____


  1. In the Open dialog box, you can open a file from any available disk and folder. (Word Page 10)


T_____              F_____


  1. Full Screen view removes the toolbars, rulers, and scrollbars from the screen. (Word Page 11)


T_____              F_____


  1. Outline view shows how a document will look when it is printed. (Word Page 6)


T_____              F_____


  1. The Print dialog box displays when you click the Print button on the Standard toolbar. (Word Page 15)


T_____              F_____


  1. Documents printed in landscape orientation are wider than they are long. (Word Page 13)


T_____              F_____


  1. After you have already saved a file, use the Save command to save it again using a different name or to save it to a new location. (Word Page 8)


T_____              F_____


  1. Folders can help you organize files on your disks. (Word Page 9)


T_____              F_____


  1. Press the down arrow key to move the insertion point to the next page. (Word Page 7)



T_____              F_____

  1. You can open an existing document by clicking the Open button on the Standard toolbar. (Word Page 10)


T_____              F_____


  1. _____________________view will show a simplified layout of a page so you can quickly key, edit, and format text. (Word Page 6)


  1. As you key your document, the insertion point ________. (Word Page 6)


  1. The ___________ command allows you to look at a document as it will appear when printed. (Word Page 12)


  1. To move the insertion point to the beginning of a line, press the __________. (Word Page 7)


  1. Use the ________ tool in the Normal view screen to change indentations, tabs, and margins. (Word Page 5)


  1. To switch to Normal view, choose Normal from the ________________ menu. (Word Page 6)


  1. _______________ is the use of computer software to enter and edit text. (Word Page 3)


  1. The ________ pane is a separate window on the right side of the document window that contains commonly used commands. (Word Page 5)


  1. To insert a blank line, press the __________ key twice. (Word Page 6)


  1. If the text you are keying extends beyond the right margin, the __________________ feature automatically moves the text to the next line. (Word Page 6)


  1. You can move the insertion point in a document using the ________________ or using the keyboard commands. (Word Page 7)


  1. You can open an existing Word document by choosing ______________ on the File menu. (Word Page 10)


  1. To use Zoom view, open the __________ menu and choose Zoom. (Word Page 11)


  1. You can change the orientation a document you want to print by choosing ________ on the File menu. (Word Page 14)


  1. By default, Word is set to print pages in __________________ orientation. (Word Page 13)