Microsoft Word

Lesson 2



  1. To select a line of text, click one time in the left margin beside the line. (page 24)

T_____     F_____


  1. Pressing the Backspace key deletes the character to the right of the insertion point. (page 26)


T_____     F_____


  1. The Redo command will reverse the Undo action. (page 27)

T_____     F_____


  1. The Replace command is an extended version of the Insert command. (page 32)



T_____     F_____


  1. If the Redo button is not visible, you can display it by choosing Edit from the File menu. (page 27)


T_____     F_____


  1. You can access the Cut, Copy, and Paste commands by right-clicking the mouse button on the selected text and choosing the command from the shortcut. menu. (page 30)


T_____     F_____


  1. Word is the only Office program with the Clipboard feature for copying and pasting text from one location to another. (page 29)


T_____     F_____


  1. You can click the down arrow next to the Undo button on the toolbar to see a drop-down list of your recent actions. (page 27)


T_____     F_____


  1. A block of selected text can be as small as one character or as large as an entire document. (page 23)


T_____     F_____


  1. Pressing the Delete key removes the character to the left of the insertion point. (page 26)



T_____     F_____


  1. Using the mouse, which of the following options will select a sentence? (page 24)

a)       Triple-click anywhere in the sentence.

b)       Press and hold down the Ctrl key and click in the sentence.

c)       Shift-click.

d)       Double-click in the left margin of the document.


  1. The Overtype mode (OVR) button is located on the _______________. (page 26)

a)       Formatting bar

b)       Standard toolbar

c)       scroll bar

d)       status bar



  1. The Find command is located on the _________ menu. (page 30)

a)       Format

b)       Tools

c)       Edit

d)       File

  1. The _________ button is used to retrieve text from the Clipboard. (page 28)

a)       Cut

b)       Save

c)       Paste

d)       Undo

  1. __________ mode allows you to replace or type over existing text. (page 26)

a)       Overtype

b)       Replace

c)       New

d)       None of the above

  1. The __________ button clears any items that are on the Clipboard. (page 29)

a)       Clear

b)       Delete

c)       Delete All

d)       Clear All

  1. The _________ command will reverse a number of recent actions. (page 27)

a)       Reverse

b)       Undo

c)       Go Back

d)       Redo

  1. You can select text by using the ________________. (page 24)

a)       Mouse

b)       Keyboard

c)       Keyboard in conjunction with the mouse.

d)       All the above.

  1. You can delete characters by using either the Backspace key or the ________ key. (page 26)
  2. When you choose the ____________ command, a copy of your selected text is placed on the clipboard while the original text remains in the document. (page 29)
  3. In the ____________ dialog box, you can find the Search, Match case, Use wildcards, and Sounds like options. (page 31)
  4. In the _____________ mode, the text you key replaces text. (page 26)
  5. The _______________ is a temporary storage place in the computer’s memory that makes moving and copying text easy. (pate 28)
  6. To select text items that are not next to each other, use the ___________ button. (page 24)
  7. The ______________ command is an extended version of the Find command. (page 32)
  8. By clicking the ____________ button, you can choose formatting options for the pasted text. (page 29)
  9. _______________ mode is especially useful for correcting misspelled words. (page 26)
  10. The __________ command can locate whole or partial words. (page 31)
  11. After replacing text, press the ____________ key to turn off the Overtype mode. (page 26)
  12. ________________ is highlighting a block of text. (page 23)