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Welcome to Mr. Anderson's Web site. I hope you will use this site to learn more about your class, my expectations, and Business Education.

Course Objectives

As a business education course, part of the course requirements is that students observe business office practices designed to strengthen student’s work ethics. Students are expected to maintain regular attendance and punctuality, demonstrate attention to detail and thoroughness in completing assignments. Students are expected to observe classroom rules and maintain office decorum (behavior). Part of students’ grades will be determined by adherence to these requirements. As a business education course, it is a basic objective of this course to improve students’ ability to communicate, especially in writing. Students are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the rules of grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization in creating business letters. Student grades will be determined by the number and quality of assignments and examinations completed; attendance, punctuality, and participation in the class and observation of class rules. Students with excessive absences are subject to receive a failing grade. Organization: The course will require students to complete consecutive skill modules and demonstrate proficiency in completing skill-tasks. Skill-tasks are specific manipulations of the keyboard and mouse to achieve the desired effect. Modules:


Grades and attendance will be compiled using software. Each student will have a thinkwave signon and password, where student can track their attendance and grades. also display the weight of assignments relative to other assignments.