Click here to view Forms of Business Ownership slide:
Forms of Business Ownership
- Click here to view Service Sector Growth slide:
Service Sector Growth
- Click here to view The Five M's slide:
The Five M's
- Click here to view Economic Systems slide:
Factors of Production
- Click here to view Economic Systems slide:
Economic Systems
- Click here to view Private Enterprise slide:
Private Enterprise
- Click here to view the directions for accessing Atomic Learning:
Atomic Learning
- Click here to view the assignment:
World of Work
- Click here to view the assignment:
Small Business ownership Project
- Click here to view the lesson:
The Foundation of Business
- Click here to view the worksheet:
- Click here to view the worksheet:
Economic Systems Worksheet Directions
- Click here to view the worksheet:
Economic Systems Worksheet Countries 4th Period
- Click here to view the worksheet:
Economic Systems Worksheet Countries 5th Period
- Click here to view the worksheet:
Economic Systems Spreadsheets Required
Vocabulary Words
- hardware
- central processing unit
- hard drive
- keyboard
- mouse
- monitor
- input
- output
- software
- icon
- character
- cursor
- desktop
Include these elements in your paper:
- How are computers used in everyday life?
- What roles do computers play in business, industry and government?
- How are computers used in supermarkets, libraries and other places you might ordinarily visit?
- What is ergonomics and how can it affect you personally?
- What is repetitive strain injury?
- What are some of the privacy issues in computer and Internet security?
- What special risks are posed to children using the internet?
- What are computer viruses and what are some solutions to their spread?
- What are some of the issues in copyright laws?
- What is plaguarism?
Vocbulary Words
- bit
- byte
- kilobyte
- megabyte
- Gigabyte
- operating system software
- applications software
- graphical user interface
- public switched data network (PSDN)
- integrated service digital network (ISDN)
- modem
- digital
- analogue
- baud
- Click here to see a lesson on Input & Output Tools:
Input & Output Tools
Files & Folders
Click here to see a lesson on Managing Files and Folders:
Managing Files and Folders
Computer Literacy
Many adults over age 30 did not grow up with computers like younger people.
Many of these adults are not computer literate. Discuss computer literacy with adults you know and write about your discussions.
- Include in your writing if these adults are knowlegable and comfortable using computers.
- How have computers changed things for them?
- How were things before computers?
- How beneficial do they think computers are?
- What do they see as the "downside" of computer use by teenagers today?
Uniform Policy
Read the following article from the Philadelphia Inquirer on student uniforms in the Camden, New Jersey school district.
Your assignment is to turn in a typed assignment discussing the article and your opinions about the article.
Include in your paper the following:
- Why do you think Maria Davis feels the way she does about wearing a school uniform?
- How do you feel about wearing a school uniform? Give specific reasons and examples to support your point.
- How do your parents feel about your wearing a school uniform? Be specific.
- Do you think Camden School Superintendent Annette D. Knox's statement is correct? What do you agree or disagree with about her statement? Be specific.
Click here to read the article "Uniform Policy"
- Click here to view the lesson on Computer Commands: Giving Orders to the Computer
Click here to see a lesson on Basic Word Processing:
Basic Word Processing
Study the PowerPoint presentations on Internet Communications
- Click here to view the lesson on Internet Basics: Internet Communications
First Message
Your assignment is to send me an e-mail, using the screen name created for this class. If you already have an account that you have been using to e-mail your friends, you can continue to use it for that purpose. However, for the work you send me, you must use the account for this class. The reason is that I must be able to match your screen name with my class list.
My e-mail address is
Your e-mail will include the following:
- The subject (name) of the e-mail will be First Message
The body of your e-mail will include:
- A brief message about your grade and attendance as shown on, and whether or not you are satisfied with your grade.
- If you're not satisfied with your grade, whether or not you understand why you have that grade.
Your assignment is to go to and choose a Website to study. You could choose Coca Cola, Chiquita, or any Web site that interests you.
You will then send me an e-mail.
Your e-mail will include the following:
- The subject (name) of your e-mail will be Fortune 500
The body of your e-mail will include
- The name of the company you chose
- A list of the products the company sells
- Who is their primary market/customer (children, teens, adults, men, women,other businesses,etc)
- What do you like about the Web site? (color, pictures, text, graphics,links to other pages, information given, etc)
- What don't you like about the Web site?
Click here to go to the Web site: Fortune 500
Your assignment is to design a Web page for the company you created in the recent assignment on Small Business Ownership.
Your Web page will give information about your company, and also serve as an advertisement for your business. Your objective is to let your potential customters know what you have to offer,
and encourage them to buy your product/service.
Go to and build a Web page. You will use the Web Site's student called "project Poster"Web page utility to build the Web page.
Be sure to give me the Project Poster ID# & password, as I will need them to grade your poster.
Your Web page will include the following elements:
- The name of yourcompany
- A slogan, theme or catchy saying
- Text of 200 words
- Picture
- A link to a similar company's Web page (clothing, food, equipment, etc., Web sites)
When you complete your Web page on Project Poster, you will receive an identification number.
This number allows you access to your Web page to make changes to it.
Don't forget to give me the Project Poster# and password.
Click her to view the grading rubric for this Web page Web Rubric 1
You will create a Web page of your choice different from Project Poster 1.
You might want to create a Project Poster on sports, fashion, education,an organization or person.
This Web page will incorporate the use of colors, font changes,heading sizes, undeline, bold & Italics.
For this assignment you will include:
- Text of two hundred words
- text of three different colors
- use of two different fonts
- use of two Heading sizes
- use of underline
- use of bold
- use of italics
- a picture
- text of 200 words
- a link to a relevant web page
Click here to go to HTML Primer:HTML Primer
Click here to the gradng rubric for this assignment:Web Rubric 2
HTML Primer
Your assignment is to go to and study Lessons 1 through Lesson 7.
HTML Primer is a tutorial on Hyper Text Mark Up Language (HTML). This is the language of Web pages.
This assignment also requires you to use the Test Lab accompanying each lesson at
The Test Lab allows you to practice the concepts taught in each lesson.
Define the following terms:
- source code
- HTML tags
- head
- body
- bgcolor
- text color
- link color
- vlink color
- stand alone tag
- heading
- center tag
- font tag
- hexidecimal code
- font size
- hyperlink
- img tag
- tables
- align
- valign
- cell padding
- cell spacing
- borders
Word Processing
Click below see the Microsoft Word Procedures: